Sunday, July 26, 2009

X-COM: UFO Defense Weapons Editor

Hi guys! after I made the elerium editor I've learned some more programming(I'm still a noob) and made weapons editor, it let you to edit 11 stats:
Name, damage, ammo damage type, ammo(clip size), accuracy, TU use, priority, size, HE damage to destroy, weight and scoring points! You can make super strong weapons with this editor, or balance the weapon the way you think they should be.
The editor can edit 34 different weapons, including earth weapons, alien weapons, clips and grenades!

DO NOT EDIT THE NAME, it will fuck up the game, and it doesn't change the displayed name!
Also there is a bug with the pistol clip, it can't display any info and seems that you can't edit it.

An image of the editor:

You may want to backup the file UFO\GEODATA\OBDATA.DAT, its the file the program edit.

To run this program, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package is required:

Enjoy editing your weapon!

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